Study on technical strategies and business models for comprehensive management of civilian and agricultural scattered coal in typical areas of Heilongjiang Province

Study on technical strategies and business models for comprehensive management of civilian and agricultural scattered coal in typical areas of Heilongjiang Province
In August 2022, with support from Energy Foundation China, Tsinghua University conducted a research project titled “Study on technical strategies and business models for comprehensive management of civilian and agricultural scattered coal in typical areas of Heilongjiang Province.”
The project summarized the experience and lessons learned from scattered coal treatment technology and promotion in northern China. Based on the principles of “clean supply, economical use, affordable, and sustainable,” adjustments were made according to the actual situation of typical rural areas of Heilongjiang Province, and technical paths and business models suitable for scattered coal treatment in Heilongjiang Province were proposed. The goal was to introduce a reproducible and popularizable innovation path for clean heating renovation in severe cold areas in China. Aiming at agricultural scattered coal, the paper explores alternative technology paths and sustainable development business models based on renewable energy utilization technologies such as biomass energy, solar energy, and waste heat, and provides innovative paths that can be replicated and promoted for the treatment of scattered coal in Northeast China.
The project puts forward an operational path for phasing out scattered coal that is in line with the actual rural situation of Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province, adopts a quantitative optimization analysis method, and forms a comprehensive solution and optimal scheme of “menu type” scattered coal treatment. It provides a scientific basis and practical support for the promotion of scattered coal cleaning in rural areas of Heilongjiang Province.